Est. 1997
Mixed Bag
Year Round

Full- and half-day trips are offered all year for those wanting to fish for trout, flounder, and puppy drum. We leave out of Oriental and fish in the Pamlico Sound and its tributaries. This is a great trip for anyone, even kids and beginners!
Starting Price:
Half Day $600
Full Day $900
Customize Trips As Needed
Shad & Stripers

In the spring, come fish for striped bass on the Roanoke River. Join me in Weldon, NC for a full- or half-day trip. Keeper season on the Roanoke is in April and mid-March to mid-May. Make sure to bring your own gear if you plan to fish with a fly rod.
Starting Price:
Half Day $600
Full Day $800
Customize Trips As Needed

Offshore trips run in April, May, and June out of Morehead City, NC. We'll leave early and fish for dolphin, wahoo, tuna, and Spanish mackerel, before returning late that evening. If you want to fly fish, be sure to bring your own gear.
Starting Price:
Half Day $700
Full Day $1,000
Customize Trips As Needed

Tarpon fishing out of Oriental is best in June and July. Although half-day tarpon trips are available, full-day trips are preferred. Climb aboard and help me spot the silver flashes of tarpon rolling on the surface. Tarpon fishing is catch-and-release, but the fun you'll have fighting these large fish is definitely worth your time!
Starting Price:
Half Day $800
Full Day $1,000
Customize Trips As Needed
Old Drum

Join me on the Pamlico Sound and its tributaries for a day of drum fishing. We'll put out of Oriental and ride for a while before settling in for some fun. Old drum fishing reaches its peak in late August and September, with the best fishing around the full moon. Go to the Plan Your Trip page to view current and future moon phases for help with planning your trip.
Starting Price:
Half Day $700
Full Day $900
Customize Trips As Needed
King Mackerel & False Albacore

Book a fishing trip for October or November and we'll go after King mackerel and false albacore. Both full- and half-day trips are available. We'll meet and put out of Morehead City, NC. Fly fishermen are welcome; make sure to bring your own fly-fishing gear.
Starting Price:
Half Day $700
Full Day $900
Customize Trips As Needed
All fishing trips accommodate up to 4 people. I provide all the bait and
tackle that is needed, unless you choose to fly fish. You will need to
bring food, drinks, sunscreen, rain gear, and a cooler to put your fish
in when we return. Be prepared for anything, as the weather in
eastern North Carolina can be unpredictable. Individual fishing
licenses are not required but are recommended.